Transmathematica 2019 – The 2nd International Conference on Total Systems
Monday 1st July 2019, The Roseate Reading, 26 The Forbury, Reading, United Kingdom, RG1 3EJ
Call for Papers
The Transmathematica conference accepts papers on any subject within the scope of the Transmathematica Journal. That is, it accepts papers from any discipline in the arts, humanities and sciences that deal with total systems. Total systems have no exceptions, so they always work. This is of interest to Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy and many other disciplines. Papers on transreal arithmetic or any of the trans-sciences are especially welcome.
Papers, in any format, should ideally be submitted using the Transmathematica Journal’s submission process but authors may submit conference papers, by email, to the Editor in Chief.
It is likely that the conference papers will be among the first papers published by the Transmathematica journal. In Transmathematica 2017, only abstracts were published.
Papers should be submitted as soon as possible. Submitting by the following deadlines will qualify for the conference publication fee, which is lower than the regular journal publication fee. All accepted papers will be published in the Transmathematica journal.
The conference committee will endeavour to give publication decisions within two weeks of submission. Authors are encouraged to submit early, to gain publication approval, and then to spend time improving their papers, up to the camera-ready deadline.
Audio-Visual Presentations
Conference presentaions may be made virtually by Skype or physically by using Apple TV or a conference computer that uses Apple TV. Acceptable formats for presentations are Apple KeyNote, Adobe PDF, Microsoft PowerPoint.
Delegates are advised to bring their presentations on a USB memory stick and to have a backup copy publicly available on the World Wide Web. Delegates are invited to send their final presentation by email, to the Editor in Chief so that the presentation can be pre-loaded onto a conference computer.
The hotel's free WiFi is called The Roseate Reading. It has no password but does ask for your email address.
Conference Committee
Dr James Anderson, School of Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences, The University of Reading, UK.
Dr Walter Gomide, Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Brazil.
Dr Tiago Reis, Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The conference committee may call on all of the Transmathematica journal’s editorial board and other experts for peer reviews.
Submission of full papers, in any format, for peer review: Monday 15th April 2019. After this date, papers may still be submitted but there is no guarnatee that they can be reviewed in time for the early or late conference registrations. Papers that are too late for the conference may be considered as journal submissions but this will incur the higher journal article processing fee.
Early conference registration ends Wednesday 1st May 2019.
Camera Ready Papers, Monday 3rd June 2019.
Late conference registration ends Monday 24th June 2019.
The Transmathematica journal accepts submissions at any time and has discretion to redirect papers to the conference issue. The journal’s article processing fee is £300, which is reduced for conference delegates.
Papers may be presented virtually, by Skype, or in person at Transmathematica 2019.
The fee for virtual presentation is £100. This includes reduced journal publication charges. Virtual presenters will present their paper by Skype and will take questions but will take no further part in the conference. However, they may be contacted directly by any virtual or physical delegate, if they have agreed to publication of their Skype and/or Email details.
The fee for physical presentation is £250 for early registration, £300 for late registration. This includes light refreshments in the morning and afternoon, a buffet lunch, an evening banquet, and reduced journal publication charges.
Interested members of the public may attend Transmathematica 2019 on payment of the early or late registration fee, as appropriate. They need not make a presentation but may take part in all other aspects of the conference.
The general and technical press may attend without charge by invitation. Email the Editor in Chief for details.
Use these PayPal buttons to pay for conference registration. If you are unable to use PayPal then email the Editor in Chief for alternative payment methods.
Virtual (Skype) Presentation £100 -closed
Early Physical Registration £250 - closed
Late Physical Registration £300 - closed
Conference Location and Hotels
Transmathematica 2019 takes place on Monday 1st July 2019 in a hotel called The Roseate Reading, 26 The Forbury, Reading, United Kingdom, RG1 3EJ. See below for details of the hotel.
International participants are advised to arrive at Heathrow Airport and to take the RailAir coach, from Heathrow Airport to Reading Railway Station. Purchase tickets online, in the Heathrow Central Bus Station at Terminal 2 and Terminal 3, or from the coach driver in Heathrow Terminal 5. A “Period Return” ticket costs about £28 and covers the two-way journey from Heathrow to Reading and back again. Alternatively, taxis can be booked in advance by telephoning TVT Taxis, Reading, on +44 (0) 118 948 4848. The one-way fare is about £50.
National participants are advised to take the train to Reading Railway Station. Alternatively, contact the relevant hotel for advice on parking and charges.
All hotels are within a six-minute walk of Reading Railway Station and each other. See the hotels' web sites, below, for maps and travel details.
All the hotels have staff who speak English, Portuguese, Spanish and many other European languages. However, non-European languages are not well supported.
Luxury Hotel (*****)
Transmathematica 2019 takes place in this hotel.
The Roseate Reading, 26 The Forbury, Reading, United Kingdom, RG1 3EJ
For Car Park use RG1 3BE in SatNavs
Tel: +44 (0) 118 952 7770
Book accommodation by telephone or email. Ask for the “Transmathematica conference discount.” The discounted price is very competitive.
Book parking by telephoning the hotel. Parking is a chargeable service and is subject to availability. There are also three public car parks close to the hotel.
Mid-range hotel (****)
25B Friar Street, Reading, United Kingdom, RG1 1DP
For car parking use RG1 1NR in SatNavs
Tel: +44 (0) 118 952 2600
Book online only. There is no conference discount but the hotel does offer a discount for early, on-line bookings.
Book parking by telephoning the hotel. Parking is a chargeable service and is subject to availability. There are also three public car parks close to the hotel.
Budget Hotel (***)
ibis Reading Centre (new ibis rooms) Hotel
25A Friar Street, Reading, United Kingdom, RG1 1DP
For Car Park Use RG1 1NR in SatNavs
Tel: +44 (0) 118 953 3500
Book online only. There is no conference discount but the hotel does offer a discount for early, on-line bookings.
When booking take very great care that you book the ibis hotel in Reading Centre, Friar Street. There is a second ibis hotel on the outskirts of Reading, but it will take a long time and cost a lot of money to travel by taxi from that second hotel.
Book parking by telephoning the hotel. Parking is a chargeable service and is subject to availability. There are also three public car parks close to the hotel.
Confirmed Conference Programme Monday 1st July 2019
All events take place in the The Roseate Reading, 26 The Forbury, Reading, United Kingdom, RG1 3EJ.
All of the papers accepted to date are available in the journal issue Transmathematica 2019.
Peer reviewed papers are made publicly available, before the conference, so that delegates can get the most out of the conference by being fully informed about the presentations they may wish to attend and the questions they may wish to ask. Delegates may wish to email authors before the conference to ask questions or arrange private meetings. See the email links in each paper.
Embargo: Transmathematica will not make any public comment about papers until the close of the session at 18.00, London time, on Monday 1st July 2019.
9.30 Registration and Coffee
10.00 Welcome Address – James A.D.W. Anderson
10.30 Division by Zero: A Survey of Options – Jan A. Bergstra
11.00 Dual Number Meadows – Jan A. Bergstra
11.30 Coffee Break
12.00 Keynote Lecture: The Transreal Integral and Transcomplex Integral – Tiago S. dos Reis
13.00 Lunch
14.30 The Two Couriers Problem – author William Gilreath, presenter James A.D.W. Anderson
15.00 Thought Experiments as logical transformations In Transreal Logical Space: Re-Examining the Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen Paradox – Walter Gomide
15.30 Slipstream Transcomputation of the Fast Fourier Transform – Stephen Leach
16.00 Coffee Break and selection of menu items for conference banquet
16.30 Foundations of Transmathematics – James A.D.W. Anderson
17.00 Plenary Discussion – all attendees
17.45 Closing Address – Walter Gomide
18.00 Free Time – delegates are welcome to attend the hotel’s bar
19.00 Conference banquet in the Cerise restaurant
The hotel will test its fire alarm at 11.00. The test lasts ten seconds. Delegates may stay in the conference. However, should the alarm sound for more than ten seconds or sound at any other time then it is not a test! Delagates should evacuate the hotel and meet in Forbury Square, by the entrance to the hotel. Stand well back so that fire engines can drive up to the hotel at speed.
If you are on the entrance level when a real fire alarm sounds, leave by the hotel's main entrance and gather in Forbury Square. If you are one level lower, leave via the Cerise restaurant's fire escape and walk round to the front of the building and gather in Forbury Square.
Do not stop to collect personal belongings - simply leave the building.
Authors and Attendees
Dr James Anderson and
School of Mathematical Physical and Computational Sciences, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, England, RG6 6AY
Jan Bergstra and
Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, Science Park, 904, 1098 XH, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
William Gilreath
Prof. Walter Gomide
Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil, 78060-900
Stephen Leach
Dr Roger J. Loader
Prof. Tiago dos Reis
Federal Intitute of Education, Science and Thechnology of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil