
Transmathematica holds an annual conference on total systems. Email the Editor-in-Chief if you would like to sponsor the conference.


Call For Papers & Programme

Transmathematica 2023 - The 5th International Conference on Total Systems, online, Monday 24 July 2023 13.45 - 20.00 London Time. 



Transmathematica 2022 - The 4th International Conference on Total Systems, online, 29 September 2022. 

Transmathematica 2021 - The 3rd International Conference on Total Systems, online, 5th July 2021.

Transmathematica 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Total Systems, Reading, UK, 1st July 2019.

Transmathematica 2017 - Transmathematics and the Philosophy of Numbers, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-29 July 2017.